TS118's Extensive Enterprises Mini Diorama at the 11th Philippine Toycon
Quick Notes:
- This is the group's second display in this year Philippine Toycon. It is also the first time that TS118 prepared two displays in one major toy event/convention.
- Main theme is Cobra's Extensive Enterprises. A fictional company run by the Cobra Organization. This is also TS118's homage to the same story line shown in the original cartoon mini series and continued in the Devils Due/IDW comics series.
- The display features 4 layers of mini diorama setups, which TS118 translated into four floors of Extensive Enterprises. Top most florr shows Cobra Landing Pod with Flight Pods & VTOL's, second layer is the main office or corporate area with Televipers manning the desks. Third is the Cobra Laboratory where you can see Serpentor being created, and the last is the Hiss Tank hangar infiltrated by Joes.
- Displayed in the weekend of June 15 - 17 2012 at the Gallery Section (Hall 4) of Megatrade Hall in SM Megamall Philippines in celebration of 11th Philippine Toycon 2012 organized by Collectibles Unlimited
- Displayed in the weekend of June 15 - 17 2012 at the Gallery Section (Hall 4) of Megatrade Hall in SM Megamall Philippines in celebration of 11th Philippine Toycon 2012 organized by Collectibles Unlimited
- Brought to you by the Philippines only local 3 3/4 (1:18) Joe online community..TS118
- Used space was only a single glass cab (6 feet).
- Took 4 weekends of preparation and actual dio-work to complete (figures/structures/vehicles). Mostly done on Saturdays only.
- Collaboration for this setup done by at least 6 members (builders, pledgers/financiers, consultants, etc.).

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