For FIVE years, TS118 has been established as the Philippines' only local online community that focuses on 1:18 scale action figures, usually military in theme.
Its members are a varied mix of true blue GI Joe fans, hobbyists, and collectors, figure and vehicle customizers, diorama makers, and military enthusiasts from all walks of life, bridging social class, ethnicity, and fandom.
The group has already participated in numerous toy events since 2005, and have gained recognition and acclaim, both from local and international discussion boards and toy groups with its unique Dynamic Modular Diorama displays (these showcase scenes that change every 2-3 hours while telling a story), customized figures, and hidden characters that add to the fun factor of their exhibits.

The first 5 years of TS118’s existence in the local hobby scene have been captured in many, many pictures and these have been compiled and presented into a video slideshow format. Though some members may not have been included in the video, rest assured that they are not forgotten and anybody who has been part of TS118 either as a regular contributor, a new member, a casual collector, and even a lurker should feel proud with what TS118 has accomplished so far.

View the video slideshow here:
A message from the board administrator, FLASH:
“The march has been long and ardous, but with mistahs like you guys..the journey is every bit as enjoyable as it is memorable. Let the hobby continue to grow, the friendships continue to thrive, and the fun continue to flow. Mabuhay TS118, here's to more years in the Philippine hobby scene. Happy 5th anniversary. ”
ONE in the hobby
ONE as a family
ONE brotherhood
ONE in bringing the DRAMA in D-io-RAMA

Random photos from the TS118’s 5th anniversary Summer Outing and group pictures from numerous events!