TS118 Army,
Today marks the 1st Anniversary of the TS118 Boards (http://ts118.50.forumer.com/) and we would like to extend our utmost appreciation to everyone who has been a part of the successful transition from the old proboards site. As previously committed, we have successfuly implemented the following:
- No more annoying pop-ups (Travian. Perfspot, etc)
- Same board index and threads format
- Integration of blogspot to forums (with site updates and toy reviews)
- More visibility in the netscape with social network presence (Facebook, Twitter, Multiply and Youtube video uploads
- A more fan, collector and hobbyist friendly online community fostering camaraderie and site indentity synonymus with respect, Honor, Integrity and Selflessness.
Moving forward, we intend to improve your TS118 experience with:
- An easier to remember homepage (integrated website with links to blogsite, forums, videos, gallery, partner sites and SNS pages)
- Better and more unique Dynamic Modular Dioramas in toy events
- Oppurtunity to give back thry toy drives and civic action/volunteerism
Let us continue to work hand in hand in ensuring that the hobby is made enjoyable thru mutual respect and honorable trade whilst maintaining site integrity and selflessness by giving back to the community. As the motto goes, ONE notch higher.. ONE step ahead..TS118, WE are ONE. HOO-AAH