Rise of Cobra - Paris Pursuit Baroness

Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Best:

The new baroness is a new improvised version of the drag-queen faced circus feature predecessor. The head sculpt is pretty much decent over the older one (about five times if you ask me) and its choice of skin complexion is much fairer (I dont recall the actress having a tan).

The Better:

Aside from the new head mold, the figure sports a new look with its skirt, which allows more movement and articulation thanks to the readily split halves. Now the figure has more range of action and although the skirt may still restrain the Baroness of poses most 25th figures can do, the toy feature is a big improvement.

The Splendid:

Guns and more guns. Two rifles and two submachine guns that are not MARs manufactured (Spare us hasbro of all the unbelievable reality designs please).

The Lamo:

Still you can do away with the pencil launcher. In this case its no longer a pencil it launches but some two prong nano-missile that can double as nostril plug.

The Verdict:

Even with the weird launcher, the Paris Pursuit Baroness is a better figure to get. So if you already have the ROC Baroness still get this one. For those who don't have a Baroness, get this one instead of the fugly original ROC version.

A generous 8.5 / 10 for me. I dig chicks with guns and garments.

review by Daniel Enriquez